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Payment methods we offer

We offer these payment methods in our online shop:

If you choose prepayment, the goods will only be sent after we have received your money. We ask for your understanding!
Please use the following bank details for the transfer - these details will also be displayed after you have placed your order and are on your order confirmation:
Sport-Ski Willy OG
IBAN: AT552081517700012648
Usage: Your ordernumber


With us you can pay easily and safe with your credit card. We accept MasterCard and Visa.



DIREKT BANKING is an online payment system that specializes in secure online payments. With DIREKT BANKING you can pay without registration. All you need are your online banking data as well as your PIN and TAN. Payment is easy, quick and safe.



PayPal is the world's leading online payment provider, enabling buyers and businesses to send and receive money online. To pay online, all you need is an email address and a password. With this you log into your PayPal account and confirm the payment. Transactions are carried out very quickly. After you have initiated the payment, PayPal will immediately forward the amount to us.

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We use cookies and similar technologies, also from third parties, to ensure the proper functioning of the website, to analyze the use of our offer and to be able to offer you the best possible shopping experience. You can find more information in our privacy policy.

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